Birth Support

For wild, sovereign mamas.

Historically and in many cultures, women have given birth supported by other women.

Birth was and always will be women's domain. 


The current model of medicalized birth doesn't have space for the age old practice of women tending to the mother by making sure she feels seen, supported and held. As crazy as it seems modern birth doesn't factor in the emotions, soul, and spirit of the mother and instead focuses on the surveillance, machines, and data.


In the medicalized framework a woman becomes a more passive participant in the experience of birth instead of being the center driving force of everything that happens. While partners and husbands are great, many are ill equipped to hold us in the intensity of this moment. Often, they have too much fear, indoctrination, their own birth trauma and complicated feelings around seeing their woman raw, real and primal as she manages the intensity of sensations.


A woman becomes a much more passive participant in the experience of birth instead of being the center. And while partners and husbands are great, many are ill equipped to hold us in the intensity of this moment. They have too much fear, indoctrination, their own birth trauma and complicated feelings around seeing their woman raw, real and primal as she manages the intensity of sensations.


Which is why, for many of us, the idea of having a wise woman present during birth is so appealing. As an independent birth attendant, I sit at your feet and serve you. My loyalty is to you. I do not have to answer to anyone but you. As a birth priestess, I create sacred space and witness you in the portal of transformation. I hold the coherence of the energy field and can offer prayer, songs, drumming or silence. I am able to sit in the unknown and honor the mystery. As a birth guardian, I protect the environment and maintain the ideal conditions for this biological process to unfold. I honor your wishes and make sure you are respected and revered. 


Ultimately, I show up in alignment with your vision.  Whatever role or duty you ask of me, I provide. And while yes, I did start this work as a doula, that title no longer fits. But I can do all the things doulas do, like hands-on comfort techniques, offer words of encouragement, inflate birth pools and prepare meals. 


Please note that I no longer serve hospital births in person, only virtually. I am very comfortable with unassisted, sovereign and freebirths and remain open to those that are considered "high risk." With that being said, it is crucial our energies align and we feel a heartfelt connection. Rapport, trust and love are essential components between us. I will be witnessing you at your most powerful, most vulnerable, most embodied experience, which I do not take lightly or for granted, so I do believe we need to feel like we are a divine match. 


I have served so many women in the birth space and I am truly honored and humbled by each and every one. This is the work of the Goddess, this is the ultimate supreme privilege of a lifetime, this IS the devotional ceremony that changes every woman and is in my greatest joy and highest alignment to do this work. 



As your birth support, I help you: 

  • Get clear around your beliefs about birth
  • Develop your birth vision
  • Guide you on ways to help manage birth sensations
  • Offer partner support and direction
  • Walk you through fear-clearing exercises
  • Help you write out mantras and affirmations 
  • Discuss logistics and birth team dynamics
  • Be a sounding board for any and all things that come up during pregnancy 
  • Witness you in the most potent and powerful moment of transformation
  • Create a birth altar  
  • Bring in ceremony and ritual to the birth 
  • Whatever else your heart desires 


This offering also includes:

  • A comprehensive deep dive into what you want
  • 2-3 prenatal meetings
  • Being available starting at 37 weeks
  • Uninterrupted support during your birth
  • Early breastfeeding guidance
  • 1 postpartum meeting 
  • Text/email/phone support throughout pregnancy and postpartum
  • Book, blog and resource recommendations

*Add-on Service: Pregnancy Package, Mother's Blessing or Postpartum Package

*My fee ranges from $1500 (virtual support) to $3500 depending on several factors, including location. If you feel called to discuss, please reach out! 

Please note: At this time, I am only providing in-person or virtual support for unassisted births and homebirths in and around the NYC, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania area. 

For Pricing & Inquiries, Click Here

What mothers are saying...

Amanda was an indispensable factor in the pre-partum, labor, and even the postpartum experience for myself, my husband, my son, and our tiny new friend.

 - Leslie W.

"The wonderful energy that Amanda brought to my birthing experience helped us stay calm, kept our sense of humor and helped me navigate the strange journey of birth as a first-time mom. I couldn’t have had a better experience.

- Candice O. 

I would recommend Amanda to anyone. She has totally changed what we thought birth was or could be like, and made it a magical, empowering, and exciting experience.

- Amber K.